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Scott Structures and Functions

Cederick W. Scott

Welcome to 8th grade science or Integrated Physics and Chemistry. I look forward to having a fantastic school year here at Lanier M.S.

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Contact information

I am excited to be working with the 8th grade purple pups this school year. The email address is

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Integrated Physics and Chemistry & 8th grade science

Integrated Physics and Chemistry

IPC is an introduction to the "hard sciences". In general, IPC is the study of the properties and interactions of matter and energy. Integrated Physics and Chemistry has qualitative, quantitative, empirical, and theoretical aspects and relies upon mathematical descriptions of nature. This course will explore the significance of scientific methods and principals of technology, daily life, the economy, and ultimately our civilization. IPC is a high school credit course that is calculated into your grade point average (GPA) when you enter high school. 


There is a fall and spring final in IPC and each final is 25% of the semester grade. The fall final is scheduled for December 17th or 18th and the spring final is scheduled for May 9th or 10th. Each final is cumulative. 


Class codes to join google classroom are as follows:

P2: ywb5nh

P4: thkckf

R1: 6vikvl6

R2: byjgev8



8th grade science

8th grade science focuses on chemistry, force & motion, earth/space science and some life science. During the 2018-2019 school year, this science class will open pathways to explore their world from different perspectives. Students will learn to become analytical thinkers as well as critical thinkers and apply previous knowledge to problem solve. They will also begin to enhance their skills of prediction to look in depth to future problems and ways to change unfavorable trends in the environment and their surroundings. 


Class codes to join google classroom are as follows:

P1: 1o4mbf

R3: d2rqnh

R4: lkoi74h


Grading categories, late/missing work policy and supply list

Grading categories for IPC and 8th grade science: Tests & projects 40%

              Quizzes 15%

              Class work 35%

              Homework 10%


Late work and missing work is defined as any assignment not turned in on its due date. That assignment will be entered into the grade book as "missing" which is calculated as a zero.

1 day late = 20% deduction in grade


2 days late = 30% deduction in grade earned

3-5 days late = 50% deduction in grade earned


The supply list for both classes is as follows: 2 three subject spirals or 1 five subject spiral, 1 pack of loose leaf paper, scissors, glue (glue stick or wet), 1 box of tissue, blue or black pens, pencils, pack of colored pencils, paper towels


Upcoming quizzes and test dates

The Beginning of the Year Assessment is P day 8/30 and G day 8/31; Lab Safety Test is P day 8/30 and G day 8/31


Students must have supplies for Purple day on Tues 9/4 and for Red day on Wed 9/5. We will be putting together the interactive notebook which is graded.


We will be beginning our unit on Structure, Parts and Prop of the Atom and Trends on the Periodic Table Tues 9/11

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where can I get my missing work? You can get missing work directly from Mr. Scott
2. How do I fix low classwork and homework grades? Please follow the "How to Make Corrections Policy" sheet inside the INB.

3. Can I make corrections to test grades below a 70? No, you cannot. You will have the opportunity to take a retest. The retest is a totally different assessment covering the same content.

4. Is there extra credit? No
5. What can I do to master the content? Study/review content on a consistent basis for 10 minutes everyday. Review by creating flashcards of vocabulary and major ideas (connections) where you draw pictures demonstrating the content.

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